Benefits of Separately Managed Accounts (“SMA”)
Using SMAs provides multiple benefits for clients:
- Funds are held in the client’s name and not pooled with other funds.
- Clients can make deposits, withdrawals, or transfers at any time. Clients can also close their account at any time.
- Clients can log in to their account at Interactive Brokers or Charles Schwab and check positions and balances at any time.
- There are no minimum investment time period and no lockups (although we do recommend that clients have a minimum 5-7 year investment time horizon)
- Triple Summit Advisors, LLC has the ability to make investment decisions within the account, but no access to withdraw funds.
- Fees are set up front in the account management agreement and are drafted by Interactive Brokers automatically each quarter, based on the agreed upon fee schedule for each respective strategy.
- Read more about the strength and security of Interactive Brokers and Charles Schwab and why we chose them as our third party custodians.